This kit includes all the components you'll need to modify the NESPi
case to make a variable speed fan control as detailed by James White in his tutorial.
1x NPN Transistor
2x 1N4148 Diodes
1x 2.2k Resistor (1/4 watt)
1x 2 pin male header
1x 4" Jumper wire with female DuPont connector (color will vary)
2x Short jumper wires (colors will vary)
-The parts will need to be soldered into the NESPi case (case NOT Included)
-Please read the tutorial first, as it involves a great deal of
soldering. The tutorial to make the modification can be found here:
NESPi Variable Speed Fan Parts Kit
- Product Code: NESPiVarSpdFanPtKit
- Availability: Out Of Stock